Samsung is one of the most known manufacturer of household appliances, including refrigerators. Many others companies only immitate the solutions that are implemented in its fridges. Thanks to it service and many spare parts are very similar. Samsung fridges are very often equipped with a water dispenser. This useful option requires a special filter. Those can be divided into two main groups: internal (like DA29-00012A) and external fridge filter (da29-10105j for example). The main disadvantage of the latter is that it increase the external dimensions, but on the other hand you don"t have to unload the whole fridge when it"s necessary to change the water filter. It"s your decision what is more important to you.
The biggest offer of fridge water filters in whole Europe is an internet platform that offers the water filters for each fridge. The most popular are external fridge filter da29-10105j and its internal counterpart: Da29-00003G. The 90 procent of filters are on stock.
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